Tuesday, July 10, 2007


“God creates and governs the universe, including man.” (S&H 295-5) Creation is the disappearance of mortal sense and the appearing of God’s ideas. “The universe is filled with spiritual ideas, which He evolves, and they are obedient to the Mind that makes them.” (S&H 295-6-8) God, Mind, thinks and the form, body, appears. This body does not contain the mentality of its creator. It is in fact thoughtless. Soul is not in body, anymore than a sculpture contains the mind of its creator.

“Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee:” (Deut 4:36 to:) The body, man, reflects your mind or thinking. It is your thought made visible. How important then is it for us to translate mortal mind back into the original spiritual and immortal “In the third degree mortal mind disappears, and man as God’s image appears.” (116:4-5) In reality God's image is all that really exists, otherwise there would be more than one creator.


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