Mrs. Eddy writes in “Pulpit and Press” (p 21) “Christian Scientists …. inevitably love one another with that love wherewith Christ loveth us; a love unselfish, unambitious, impartial, and universal – that loves only because it is Love.” Do you see how Mrs. Eddy transcends the human sense of love? Jesus also taught “beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God;” Another way of looking at this is to say “Let us God one another, because Love is God.” Love that is God is the divine Principle. Without this divine Principle, Love, we do not truly know love, because the human variable sense of love is not love. Every inharmony experienced by mankind can be traced back to a basic belief in a material selfhood which produces a materially originated sense of love. “You will learn that in Christian Science the first duty is to obey God, to have one Mind, and to love another as yourself.” (S&H 496:5)
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