Thursday, May 24, 2007


Section IV, Soul and Body, May 2007

In chapter 1 of the book of Daniel we read the story of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah who purposed not to defile themselves by eating the king's meat or drinking his wine. Daniel and the others were willing to lay their earthly all aside for righteousness, spirituality. Daniel was spiritually aware of the error of relying on food, even the best food the king could provide, as a means to spirituality. Today, the king's food would be equivalent to buying organic or free range or fat free or whatever the most wholesome food would be thinking that this will maintain, create and nourish mortal bodies.

The king may have been thinking that by feeding these young prophets high quality food, they would live longer and by this reason have more opportunity to become spiritual. Mrs Eddy writes in Science and Health page 307:25 "The divine Mind is the Soul of man, and gives man dominion over all things. Man was not created from a material basis, nor bidden to obey material laws which Spirit never made; his province is in spiritual statutes, in the higher law of Mind." Man's perfection is his being. It is not acquired over time or by study.

It is helpful to realize that our countenance or appearance is the outward manifestation of thought. The body is an expression of mind and is as mental as the mind expressing it. On a higher plane we could also say that the idea (one infinite body) is an expression of divine Mind, Soul " will be found normal and natural to changed mortal thought, and therefore more harmonious in his manifestations than he was in the prior states which human belief created and sanctioned. (S&H pg124:7)" This changed mortal thought is the fading out of mortal thinking not the educating of it. We must claim divine Mind as the only mind. This one Mind is reflected to human sense as an infinitude of minds. Each individual mind is an expression and continuation of the one inseparable Mind and body.


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