Saturday, June 9, 2007


Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health page 565:23 with key to the Scriptures “After the stars sang together and all was primeval harmony, the material lie made war upon the spiritual idea;” As we struggle to give up mortal self the old habit of the material senses bids us to turn back “…but this only impelled the idea to rise to the zenith of demonstration, destroying sin, sickness, and death…”. Anyone who has broken free of the common traps of mortal addictions, such as, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, abusive relationships, or any unreal pleasure of the body can identify with this. When we resolve to break out of the despotic control of the unreal master, body, it bids us to come back and take up the enslaving habit once again. This temptation impels us to be firm in our resolve to put the body with its pleasures and pains aside.

There are also hidden sins of thought that must be conquered. These sins are conquered the same way as the unreal cravings of mortal, bodily, addictions. First we resolve to take up the cross and be willing to leave all for Christ, Truth. Jealousies, envies, malice, prejudice all the discords of sin “all that maketh a lie”, must be plucked or cast out of thought. The temptations will come, but we will “be caught up unto God, -- to be found in its divine Principle.” God will work with us and we are never tempted more than we can bear. This may seem to be a cross, but after we have won the victory over self, we win and wear the crown. Our consciousness becomes filled with joy and peace that the world knows nothing about.


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