Wednesday, August 15, 2007


It was revealed to Moses that it was not his own personal body that caused the lips to move or the brain to think “And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth?” (Ex 4:11) This shows how Moses was striving with God, he was pleading with God that he was not eloquent and God showed him that he as Moses was not the I am that is slow of speech, in place of this personal sense he was in fact the I AM, because God is the only cause of speech. Moses used this fact to lead his people through the desert, till they too learned this great fact that God is all that I AM.


Who wouldn’t want to become a master of the infinite idea. Mary Baker Eddy tells us how to start “admit to yourself that you are God’s own likeness and this admission will set you free to master the infinite idea.” (S&H 90:24 paraphrase) So we start with the admission and then we run the race without hindrance, without weariness, we glorify God in our bodies, because we become the image and likeness of the Genesis One.

For further study read the first 22 pages of the chapter on Genesis in Science and Health.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


How often are we trapped in the thinking of the spiritual creation set forth in Genesis one as an ideal that is foreign to our everyday experience? Ask yourself, which idea of creation am I accepting at any given time – the spiritual creation or the material, Oneness or twoness? Speaking from the Genesis One point of view James wrote of God as never changing, with no variableness, and no shadow of turning. (James 1:17) The God who supposedly created man material in Genesis two is so unlike the “God that saw every thing that he had made, and, behold it was very good.” (Gen 1:31) that we can clearly see that if one is Truth the other is error.

Mary Baker Eddy draws a clear distinction between the creation of Soul and Spirit and the material creation throughout Science and Health “God and Soul are one (created in his own image), and this one never included in a limited mind or a limited body (Adam).” As you are reading Science and Health you will find many examples of the ripping away of the Adam dream and Man as the expression of Soul.